How Improved Design Enhances Sliding Aluminium Windows

One great thing about aluminium windows is that they don’t need painting. If you have ever had the job of painting a window you will know how fiddly it is. Aluminium windows come in silvery grey or brown, both of which seem to suit a variety of colours, as well as brickwork. They are simple to operate and provide a good view and plenty of light, since you can get large sizes.

There was only one thing wrong with them and that was the tiny grooves inside the gutter that contained the sliding part. Happily, this has disappeared, leaving the window much easier to clean.

What Else is New with Aluminium Windows?

Once, the sliding aluminium window did just that; slid to one side of the opening, leaving half the window cavity opened. Of course you could adjust this to any amount from a narrow crack to the full half width. But nowadays you can have all the advantages of aluminium windows in designs that are not just sliding. There are: –

  • Louvres
  • Bifold
  • Hopper
  • Sash
  • Double Hung
  • Fixed

Each style has its advantages. For instance, the double hung window does not protrude over walkways or the deck when opened. Louvres tend to catch the breeze and direct in inside and bi-fold windows can be pushed completely across a large opening so that access to the outside is easily available. This is ideal for entertaining or just for when you want to open up the home for more room or to get a nice breeze in. Fixed windows don’t open at all and are great to let a panoramic view be seen without the necessity for extra strong sliding components.

It is also possible to get a sliding window that has a sliding pane on each side, allowing you to get air in from each side of a wide window space: see the guidelines here. Each sliding component can be opened at the same time and they both slide into the middle. With so many different designs there is an aluminium window to suit every home.

Sliding Windows and the Climate

Traditionally, sliding windows were not used much in high wind areas, especially in cold climates. This was because the gap between the moving and stationary panels would let the wind in. These days this problem has been solved using fillers that keep the wind out without preventing the pane from sliding easily. Such windows meet all the Australian Standards. You can also get double glazed windows or windows with heavier glass. They keep the cold out and the heat in, or vice versa in hot weather. The windows with heavier glass have stronger components; the frames and the wheels that carry the moving pane are much stronger. This makes them suitable for commercial installations as well as residential.

Windows for Bushfire Zones

When a window has been designed to withstand the savage force of a bushfire, you can be sure that if you are unfortunate enough to have your property threatened, your aluminium windows and doors meet what is known as the BAL-40 zone rating. This offers more protection in a bushfire than ordinary glass windows. They are low maintenance, tough, sturdy, functional and efficient in a wide range of climates, helping to keep your home safe while looking attractive.
