Once you have decided to install a pool you may feel so eager to get started that you don’t want to spend time in choosing the right design. Yet this is the very thing that can set your pool apart and make it totally suitable for your particular block of ground and home. By thinking carefully about your needs as well taking into consideration the style and shape of your home and block, you can customise the pool to suit you and your lifestyle.
For instance, if your block is an odd shape, or if it is small, you can adjust the size and shape of the pool so that it does not take over the whole yard. It is possible to have the shape of your pool customised. Here are three pool shapes that are popular, but a little different from the usual rectangle.
The Triangle/Wedge
This pool shape can be stunningly beautiful in the right setting. More like a wedge than a triangle, it can be situated close to the house, fitting into an awkward corner and using up space that would otherwise be wasted. The long side can be right against the deck for ease of entry. This type of pool would suit people without children. Otherwise, make sure there is a strong fence along the edge of the deck that adheres to swimming pool fencing regulations. Many people have a triangular block of ground. Repeating the shape in the pool would complement it beautifully.
The Kidney Shaped Pool
The kidney shaped pool is also a popular choice. Its graceful outline flows well with the home and garden. It is usually a bit smaller than the rectangular pool and is ideal for those smaller blocks of land. You can customise it by having one end shallower for the younger children to play in, or by customising it into a different rounded shape to suit your block or your dreams of what a pool should look like.
The Rectangular Pool
This is the most common and may possibly be the cheapest to install. Its sleek lines give a crisp look to the surrounding area and it is very easy to add a tile surround, since there are straight lines to match. It is good for those who want to swim, rather than just play in the pool as the length allows you to get some speed up.
Why Your Lifestyle is Important
It is important to have a pool that fits your lifestyle.
- If you have little children, a pool with a shallow end would be good.
- Older children might enjoy a sprinkler or a slippery slide into the pool.
- Those who entertain their friends with pool parties or who like their privacy may prefer a pool that becomes part of a room in the house.
Many people like wide, shallow steps into the pool. Pools can have a rounded shape at one end and wide steps that lead into the pool; they can be kidney-shaped, square, rectangular or oval. So don’t be satisfied with a plain old rectangle – unless you like that shape best.
So before that backhoe arrives to dig a hole for the pool, talk to the installers and see what shapes they have to offer. Whatever shape you choose, make sure that there is a safe fence surrounding your pool.